Friday, June 14, 2013

The First Day

Hello there, if you have read my first post about the beginnings of my life here, you would have surely thought, "Damn, what a pessimist". But trust me, I wasn't a pessimist before. Its just that this place, the people in it and all the experiences you go through here change you, your personality and your mindset.

Its not that I wanted to change myself, I was perfectly happy with what i am. But circumstances and a couple of bad experiences have made me what I am today.
Lets get back to business. Class on the first day was made up of checking out the girls, getting to know where the guys are from(no one had the guts to approach the girls) and general chitchat. In the first class, the professor asked each of us three questions. Name, place and reason for choosing Dentistry as a career. It was as if we were being threatened on the first day itself, "How dare you have the courage to choose Dentistry?" and all that.
Anyway, almost the whole class gave either of two reasons for joining Dentistry. One, they didn't like Maths and Physics. Two, they wanted to join MBBS but didn't have the required marks. I could just go on and say that I was the different person, who quoted an amazing and impressive reason for my choice. But to tell you the truth, I wasn't a trailblazer. I threw my lot in with the people who cited the first reason. But there was only one girl in the whole class of 96 students who had the guts to say, "Personal Choice". That brave lass was, lets call her P, a batch-mate of mine(obviously) and a completely unknown quantity to me.
After that, we were led up to one of the practical labs on the upper floors of the building. There were strange machines and dummy human heads beside every bench. We sat apprehensively, with a dummy head for company, in total silence.
At that moment, I thought of finding out how many people are from Bengal. I found four people, excluding me. A1, A2, S and J. I had listened carefully during class and i had clearly heard a girl say that she was from Bengal. I looked around and there she was, right behind me. This is the person whom i didn't know would change my life in a completely different way.This was R. I asked her, and she said yes, she was from Bengal but not a native Bengali.
Class came to an end and the prospect of spending a night in a completely unknown place wasn't actually inviting. To add to that, the seniors whom i had met after coming back eyed us like fresh fish and i was reminded of the opening scene of The Shawshank Redemption. Night fell and we all huddled together in one room, me, A1, A2, S and J, dreading the moment when that fatal knock would be heard on the door. Trust me, that night was the most dreadful night we ever spent together. We swapped stories the whole night, looking toward the door every two minutes and falling silent every time we heard footsteps approach the door. Luckily, and thank god, no one came that night and we slept some time around dawn.
That was the first day I spent in this place. Got to know some people, but not very well. I had begun the day with hopes and fervent prayers that nothing untoward would happen. Seems like there is a God after all.

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